Network Marketing Business – How to Make Money in Network Marketing Even When You’re Broke!

So you scraped up your last bits of cash to join your network marketing business, and now you have no money to advertise with. This happens a lot and people will actually sometimes lose their momentum and not start to build their business until they have money to advertise with. Unfortunately this usually never happens. …

The ABC’s of For Sale by Owner (FSBO)

Congratulations – you have made a decision that will likely represent the largest and most significant savings of your life. If your home is worth $278,000 (national average sale price of existing home) it’s a decision that can potentially save you over $16,000. Here is a Step by Step „For Sale by Owner“ Guide. Step …

How Should I Create a Passive Income?

Got a 9 to 5 job? Been going to work everyday? Do you exert too much effort for your tasks? Do you spend even your break time fretting over your toils? Are you exhausted physically, mentally and emotionally? All these and you still get the same old meager salary you received the other month! Don’t …

Ecommerce Software For Successful Online Business

The traditional concept of doing business has gone through a sea change with the World Wide Web taking over the business arena. The internet has become the new virtual space for doing business transactions for all kinds of products or services that sell online. Owners of marketing or business websites deploy ecommerce software to enable …

Factors that Contributes to Cost of Building Projects in Nigeria

(1) Location The location of a building inadvently contributes a lot to the high/low cost of building. The Nigerian case for class has a long way of affecting cost of building generally, especially Lagos. What happens in our urban areas is class segregation, a case whereby you were once poor and fits for the slums …

Raise Money For Investing Using 11 Poor Man Strategies

Unlike many of my financial blogging peers, I got street cred (credentials) when it comes to having been poor. When we first arrived in San Jose, CA back in the early 1980’s, my family lived with another family until my parents were able to save to rent an apartment. The house we lived in was …

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Internet Marketing: What Are The Advantages?

Have you ever wondered why there are so many people starting an online business in Internet Marketing? What makes it so appealing? What are the advantages? In this article we shall look at the advantages at having an Internet Marketing business and in particular one producing digital products rather than physical products. 1. Low startup …

5 Kenya Real Estate Buying Tips

There are a range of Kenya real estate options to suit every type of buyer. These range from luxury beach homes which make for excellent second homes or vacation rentals, to villas, town houses and apartments. Kenya is a reasonably big economy so besides Nairobi, there is a vibrant property market in Mombasa, Lamu, Malindi …